Source code for ckip_transformers.nlp.driver

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

This module implements the CKIP Transformers NLP drivers.

__author__ = "Mu Yang <>"
__copyright__ = "2023 CKIP Lab"
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"

from typing import (

import numpy as np

from .util import (


[docs]class CkipWordSegmenter(CkipTokenClassification): """The word segmentation driver. Parameters ---------- model : ``str`` *optional*, defaults to "bert-base". The pretrained model name provided by CKIP Transformers. model_name : ``str`` *optional*, overwrites **model** The custom pretrained model name (e.g. ``'ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-ws'``). device : ``int`` or ``torch.device``, *optional*, defaults to -1 Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. """ _model_names = { "albert-tiny": "ckiplab/albert-tiny-chinese-ws", "albert-base": "ckiplab/albert-base-chinese-ws", "bert-tiny": "ckiplab/bert-tiny-chinese-ws", "bert-base": "ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-ws", } def __init__( self, model: str = "bert-base", **kwargs, ): model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name", self._get_model_name(model)) super().__init__(model_name=model_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__( self, input_text: List[str], *, use_delim: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[List[str]]: """Call the driver. Parameters ---------- input_text : ``List[str]`` The input sentences. Each sentence is a string. use_delim : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to False Segment sentence (internally) using ``delim_set``. delim_set : `str`, *optional*, defaults to ``',,。::;;!!??'`` Used for sentence segmentation if ``use_delim=True``. batch_size : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to 256 The size of mini-batch. max_length : ``int``, *optional* The maximum length of the sentence, must not longer then the maximum sequence length for this model (i.e. ``tokenizer.model_max_length``). show_progress : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to True Show progress bar. pin_memory : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to True Pin memory in order to accelerate the speed of data transfer to the GPU. This option is incompatible with multiprocessing. Disabled on CPU device. Returns ------- ``List[List[str]]`` A list of list of words (``str``). """ # Call model ( logits, index_map, ) = super().__call__(input_text, use_delim=use_delim, **kwargs) # Post-process results output_text = [] for sent_data in zip(input_text, index_map): output_sent = [] word = "" for input_char, logits_index in zip(*sent_data): if logits_index is None: if word: output_sent.append(word) output_sent.append(input_char) word = "" else: logits_b, logits_i = logits[logits_index] if logits_b > logits_i: if word: output_sent.append(word) word = input_char else: word += input_char if word: output_sent.append(word) output_text.append(output_sent) return output_text
[docs]class CkipPosTagger(CkipTokenClassification): """The part-of-speech tagging driver. Parameters ---------- model : ``str`` *optional*, defaults to "bert-base". The pretrained model name provided by CKIP Transformers. model_name : ``str`` *optional*, overwrites **model** The custom pretrained model name (e.g. ``'ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-pos'``). device : ``int`` or ``torch.device``, *optional*, defaults to -1 Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. """ _model_names = { "albert-tiny": "ckiplab/albert-tiny-chinese-pos", "albert-base": "ckiplab/albert-base-chinese-pos", "bert-tiny": "ckiplab/bert-tiny-chinese-pos", "bert-base": "ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-pos", } def __init__( self, model: str = "bert-base", **kwargs, ): model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name", self._get_model_name(model)) super().__init__(model_name=model_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__( self, input_text: List[List[str]], *, use_delim: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> List[List[str]]: """Call the driver. Parameters ---------- input_text : ``List[List[str]]`` The input sentences. Each sentence is a list of strings (words). use_delim : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to True Segment sentence (internally) using ``delim_set``. delim_set : `str`, *optional*, defaults to ``',,。::;;!!??'`` Used for sentence segmentation if ``use_delim=True``. batch_size : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to 256 The size of mini-batch. max_length : ``int``, *optional* The maximum length of the sentence, must not longer then the maximum sequence length for this model (i.e. ``tokenizer.model_max_length``). show_progress : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to True Show progress bar. pin_memory : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to True Pin memory in order to accelerate the speed of data transfer to the GPU. This option is incompatible with multiprocessing. Disabled on CPU device. Returns ------- ``List[List[str]]`` A list of list of POS tags (``str``). """ # Call model ( logits, index_map, ) = super().__call__(input_text, use_delim=use_delim, **kwargs) # Get labels id2label = self.model.config.id2label # Post-process results output_text = [] for sent_data in zip(input_text, index_map): output_sent = [] for input_char, logits_index in zip(*sent_data): if logits_index is None or input_char.isspace(): label = "WHITESPACE" else: label = id2label[np.argmax(logits[logits_index])] output_sent.append(label) output_text.append(output_sent) return output_text
[docs]class CkipNerChunker(CkipTokenClassification): """The named-entity recognition driver. Parameters ---------- model : ``str`` *optional*, defaults to "bert-base". The pretrained model name provided by CKIP Transformers. model_name : ``str`` *optional*, overwrites **model** The custom pretrained model name (e.g. ``'ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-ner'``). device : ``int`` or ``torch.device``, *optional*, defaults to -1 Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. """ _model_names = { "albert-tiny": "ckiplab/albert-tiny-chinese-ner", "albert-base": "ckiplab/albert-base-chinese-ner", "bert-tiny": "ckiplab/bert-tiny-chinese-ner", "bert-base": "ckiplab/bert-base-chinese-ner", } def __init__( self, model: str = "bert-base", **kwargs, ): model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name", self._get_model_name(model)) super().__init__(model_name=model_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__( self, input_text: List[str], *, use_delim: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[List[NerToken]]: """Call the driver. Parameters ---------- input_text : ``List[str]`` The input sentences. Each sentence is a string. use_delim : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to False Segment sentence (internally) using ``delim_set``. delim_set : `str`, *optional*, defaults to ``',,。::;;!!??'`` Used for sentence segmentation if ``use_delim=True``. batch_size : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to 256 The size of mini-batch. max_length : ``int``, *optional* The maximum length of the sentence, must not longer then the maximum sequence length for this model (i.e. ``tokenizer.model_max_length``). show_progress : ``int``, *optional*, defaults to True Show progress bar. pin_memory : ``bool``, *optional*, defaults to True Pin memory in order to accelerate the speed of data transfer to the GPU. This option is incompatible with multiprocessing. Disabled on CPU device. Returns ------- ``List[List[NerToken]]`` A list of list of entities (:class:`~.util.NerToken`). """ # Call model ( logits, index_map, ) = super().__call__(input_text, use_delim=use_delim, **kwargs) # Get labels id2label = self.model.config.id2label # Post-process results output_text = [] for sent_data in zip(input_text, index_map): output_sent = [] entity_word = None entity_ner = None entity_idx0 = None for index_char, ( input_char, logits_index, ) in enumerate(zip(*sent_data)): if logits_index is None: label = "O" else: label = id2label[np.argmax(logits[logits_index])] if label == "O": entity_ner = None continue bioes, ner = label.split("-") if bioes == "S": output_sent.append( NerToken( word=input_char, ner=ner, idx=( index_char, index_char + len(input_char), ), ) ) entity_ner = None elif bioes == "B": entity_word = input_char entity_ner = ner entity_idx0 = index_char elif bioes == "I": if entity_ner == ner: entity_word += input_char else: entity_ner = None elif bioes == "E": if entity_ner == ner: entity_word += input_char output_sent.append( NerToken( word=entity_word, ner=entity_ner, idx=( entity_idx0, index_char + len(input_char), ), ) ) entity_ner = None output_text.append(output_sent) return output_text